Selected Media Coverage

The examples included here are just some of the coverage obtained for the various meetings and journals Tony Kirby PR provides services for. They include BBC News, The New York Times, CNN, and UK national newspapers and websites. There are many other examples from other outlets, including medical press, and non-English speaking media outlets across Europe and beyond.

Diabetologia journal, July 2019

Babies born to obese mothers ‘more likely to develop type 2 diabetes’

European Congress on Obesity, 1 May 2019 

Has Leeds cracked the obesity problem?

European Congress on Obesity, 29 April 2019

Sugar ‘not necessary’ for a good cuppa

Obesity: Study of 2.8 million shows increased disease and death risks

European Congress on Obesity, 28 April 2019

Obesity and depression ‘hand-in-hand’ in children

(co-lead author Charlotte Hardman appeared on BBC Breakfast national news on this morning)

European Congress on Obesity, 24 April 2019

No sedentary screen time for babies, WHO says

European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting, 2018

Type-2 diabetes signs ‘detectable years before diagnosis’

Diabetologia journal, September 2018

Pregnancy weight gain ‘going unmeasured’

European Congress on Obesity, 2018:

YouTube stars ‘might encourage kids to eat more calories’

Diabetologia journal, July 2017:

Drinking a few times a week linked to lower diabetes risk

Euroanaesthesia conference, 2017: Heart emergencies on planes need better treatment, say doctors

European Congress on Obesity, 2017:

Fat but fit is a big myth

European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting, 2016:

‘Youngest’ toddler with type 2 diabetes raises concern

Diabetologia journal, June 2015:

Pregnancy diabetes guidelines ‘could miss 4,000 women’

European Congress on Obesity, 2015:

WHO: Republic of Ireland ‘faces worst weight problem’

Euroanaesthesia Conference, 2014:

Men ‘feel more pain after major ops’

Diabetologia journal: World Service Health Check programme: October 2013:

Why some obese people are just as healthy as slimmer people

European Congress on Obesity, 2013:

Rise in obesity poses ‘dementia time bomb’

Children shun fictional ‘Fat Alfie’

Diabetologia journal, September 2018:

Excess Weight Gain or Loss During Pregnancy Tied to Child’s Heart Health

Diabetologia journal, August 2018:

Take a Vacation From Exercise? Your Body May Not Thank You

Diabetologia journal, February 2018:

High blood sugar levels tied to memory decline

Diabetologia journal, August 2017:

Moderate drinking tied to lower diabetes risk

European Obesity Summit 2016 (this was the name of the European Congress on Obesity for one year only)

The urgency in fighting childhood obesity

Diabetologia journal, July 2019

Link between diabetes and heart failure stronger in women than men, study says

European Congress on Obesity, April 2019 

A capsule tricks your stomach into feeling full; could it treat obesity?

Euroanaesthesia conference 2018:

Patient remains awake for 90 minutes of CPR, doctor says

Diabetologia journal, July 2017:

Can frequent, moderate drinking ward off diabetes?

Euroanaesthesia conference 2017:

What happens if astronauts get sick in space?

Diabetologia journal, April 2017:

Diabetes, weight can combine to alter brain, study says

Our press releases feature regularly in all UK national newspapers and websites. To see examples, please go to the press releases section and click on any individual press release. At the bottom of each are selected examples of media coverage attained, including in UK press. 

Media Relations and Communications

Tony Kirby PR are experienced health and science media specialists. For more information get in touch today.